Kalopita Flour | Pellets - Bread Flour - Pies & Pizzas - Bakery Products Xanthi

Kalopita Flour | Pellets - Bread Flour - Pies & Pizzas - Bakery Products Xanthi

42710 Visitors:
Address: 2nd kilometer of Xanthi - Komotini
Area: Ksanthi
Telephone: 2541068464
Mobile: 6984732533, 6907048605
P.C.: 67100
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KALOPITA… .. TO HOUSES, MARKETS AND BUSINESSES! The company Kalopita based in Xanthi has been active for about ten years in the field of cereals. People can find our products in various Markets such as the KOSMO PLUS chain that we have entered into a special cooperation, in Greek Supermarkets, in workshops, confectioneries, in smaller markets and in 120 bakeries from Orestiada to Thessaloniki. Types of flour 'Kalopita' flour 70% soft Special high quality flour suita...
42710 Visitors:

2nd kilometer of Xanthi - Komotini, Ksanthi

42710 Visitors:


The company Kalopita based in Xanthi has been active for about ten years in the field of cereals.

People can find our products in various Markets such as the KOSMO PLUS chain that we have entered into a special cooperation, in Greek Supermarkets, in workshops, confectioneries, in smaller markets and in 120 bakeries from Orestiada to Thessaloniki.

Types of flour

'Kalopita' flour 70% soft
Special high quality flour suitable for making toast bread and luxury pastries such as pies, cheese pies, which require the use of high quality flour

'Kalopita' flour 70% possible
Flour for all uses ideal for making bread, pies, pizzas and other bakery products

'Kalopita' croissant flour
Special flours with high gluten, suitable for making croissants and puff pastry

'Kalopita' flour, rustic
Flour for traditional village bread. Gives flavor, color and excellent appearance crust. Also used in admixture with other yellows or type 70%

African 'Kalopita' flour
Wholemeal flour from selected soft grains, fortified with fiber, with the addition of malt. Gives pastries with special taste, excellent aroma and appearance.


Pellet 'Kalopita' A1
A new product of excellent quality pellets for consumers with increased demands, the new pellet is A1 class, its main features are its very low ash and its high calorific value.


Kalopita Flour Pellets - Bread Flour - Pies & Pizzas - Bakery Products Xanthi Flour 70% soft
Kalopita Flour Pellets - Bread Flour - Pies & Pizzas - Bakery Products Xanthi Flour 70% possible
Kalopita Flour Pellets - Bread Flour - Pies & Pizzas - Bakery Products Xanthi Flour for croissants
Kalopita Flour Pellets - Bread Flour - Pies & Pizzas - Bakery Products Xanthi Rustic flour
Kalopita Flour Pellets - Bread Flour - Pies & Pizzas - Bakery Products Xanthi African flour
Kalopita Flour Pellets - Bread Flour - Pies & Pizzas - Bakery Products Xanthi Pellet A1
42710 Visitors:

2nd kilometer of Xanthi - Komotini

Telephone: 2541068464
Mobile: 6984732533, 6907048605

Working Hours
